Since the instructor is not physically present, they are unable to assist an emergency situation, therefore, all safety regulations are meant to prepare for a situation should it arise with the adult and child in the water
A non-slip mat must be placed on the bottom of the tub to prevent injury to child
If the water tap is in the way of the child’s exploration space, a tap cover will be required to prevent injury
The parent does not need to know how to submerge when teaching in the bathtub
To be eligible to participate in Online swim lessons, the adult learning with the child must be capable of personally performing the following skills in the water:
Adult can submerge themselves comfortably for a minimum of 5 seconds
Adult can swim the length of the pool twice submerged and without difficulty
Adult can comfortably swim at least one stroke or stroke variation efficiently
Adult can comfortably tread water for at least two minutes
Adult is comfortable swimming submerged in deep water where they cannot touch the bottom
Two adults are encouraged, though not necessary, at every lesson. The second adult is present incase of an emergency with the primary adult in the water. One or both adults can be in the water as the learner for the swim lesson.
Floatation devices are not welcome in swim lessons
This includes life jackets, puddle jumpers, water wings, flutter boards
The adult must be in control of their firm stance while in the pool
Water cannot be deeper than the adult’s armpit
The deep end is to never be used when learning with Swim School instructors as the parent must be secure on the ground to help their child breathe when needed
Should other children under the age of 8 be present during the swim lesson, it is not the responsibility of the adult teaching the lesson to care for them
They must be monitored by a second adult to ensure their safety around the water
The ratio of adult to child is 1:1
No more than 1 child in the lesson at a time with the adult
The adult must follow the direction of the instructor for all drills & skills performed in the water during the lesson
All practice that is done outside of the swim lesson is at the risk of the adult
The learning area (bath or pool) must be private and quiet as to listen for the child’s breathing
A phone must be kept close to the lesson incase of emergency
The phone or other distractions are not allowed when in the water with the child
The adult teaching must be over 16 years of age
The adult is to be in the water with the child at all times
The adult is to be at most an arm’s length away from the child
The child should never enter the water without the adult’s permission & assistance
The adult cannot have an underlying medical condition that will cause them to lose their ability to assist their child while in the water
All families must register their full Address and Emergency Contact information into their online file
Submersions while the child is crying or in distress is not tolerated
Submersions must follow Watermellow’s exact cuing and physical motions to prevent water ingestion
Submersions upside down (the child is facing up while submerged on their back) are not tolerated
The adult must be able to watch and listen for their child’s breathing at all times to prevent unintentional submersion
The adult is in control of clearing water away from their child’s mouth and nose after each submersion
The instructor must be able to clearly see parent’s hand position & child’s face during the entire lesson