Transitioning from Bath Time to Pool Time


Today I want to share some tips on a topic near and dear to my heart: transitioning your baby from bath time to pool time. This can be a magical journey for both you and your little one, and with the right steps, it can be a smooth and enjoyable process.


Step 1: Start with Familiarity

Bath time is a comforting ritual for your baby, and the key to a successful transition is to build on that sense of security. Start by making bath time a bit more adventurous. Gradually increase the amount of water in the tub, and introduce toys that float and splash. This helps your baby get used to the idea of more water and the playful nature of being in it.

Additionally, bring some of these favourite bath toys to the pool. Having familiar toys around can make the new environment feel more like home, providing comfort and reducing anxiety. The more your baby recognizes their favourite floating duck or squirt toy, the more at ease they will feel in the pool.


Step 2: Visit the Pool Before Swimming

Before you dive right into pool time, we encourage you to take your baby to the pool just to observe. Hold them close and let them see other children playing and having fun. This exposure can build excitement and curiosity without any pressure to jump right in. Additionally, this visit helps your baby get accustomed to the new environment.

The scent of chlorine or other pool chemicals might be new and unfamiliar to your baby. Letting them experience these smells while you're simply observing can help desensitize them, making the actual swimming experience less overwhelming! Pools are also often noisy places with echoes, splashes, and excited voices. Hold your baby close and talk to them in a soothing voice, pointing out different sounds. This helps them get used to the auditory environment of the pool.


Step 3: Equip for Comfort

A significant difference between the bath and the pool is the temperature. Pools are often cooler, which can be a surprise for your baby. To keep your little one warm and comfortable, I highly recommend the Splash About "Warm In One" wetsuit. This wonderful wetsuit is lined with fleece, providing the warmth your baby is used to from bath time. It's like a cozy hug in the water, ensuring they stay warm and happy.

We suggest opting for brighter colours when selecting a wetsuit! Bright colours not only make your baby look adorable but also enhance safety by making them easily visible in the water. We have a detailed post on why bright colours are best for baby swimsuits—be sure to check it out!


Step 4: Start Slow and Gradual

When it's time to actually get in the pool, take it slow. Begin by sitting on the pool steps, allowing your baby to dip their toes in and feel the temperature of the water. Sing songs or play gentle water games to keep the mood light and reassuring. Introduce them to the sensation of water gradually by doing cup submersions—gently pouring small amounts of water over their shoulders, arms, and head. This helps them get accustomed to the feeling of water on their skin and face before getting fully submerged, especially because it feels a bit different to bath water. Take your time and let your baby set the pace; there is no need to rush straight into deep dives! This gradual approach can help build their confidence and make the experience enjoyable for both of you.


Step 5: Consistent Pool Time

Consistency is key when it comes to helping your baby become comfortable in the water. Make regular trips to the pool an integral part of your routine. The more frequently your baby experiences the pool, the more familiar and at ease they will become with the water environment.

That being said, it's important to keep initial sessions brief. Start with short visits to ensure your baby doesn't become overwhelmed. As they begin to show signs of comfort and enjoyment, gradually extend the duration of your pool sessions. This gentle, gradual approach will help your baby build confidence and develop a positive association with swimming. Over time, these consistent and enjoyable experiences will lay a strong foundation for a lifelong comfort and skill in the water.


Step 6: Enroll in a Swim Class

At watermellow, we offer online classes designed to make this transition smooth and enjoyable. Our lessons start in the bathtub and transition into the pool, making them perfect for having expert guidance every step of the way! Our instructors know how to create a fun, safe environment that encourages babies to love the water. We are there for you and your baby every single step of the way! Sign up here.


Transitioning from bath time to pool time is a journey that takes patience and care, but it's also a wonderful opportunity to bond with your baby and introduce them to the joys of swimming. With these steps and a little bit of love and encouragement, your baby will soon be splashing and smiling in the pool.


Happy swimming!

Kaylee Kennedy
Owner & Founder of watermellow


Meet Kaylee Kennedy

I'm Kaylee Kennedy, the founder of watermellow.

Our renowned swimming program nurtures and develops each baby's unique abilities.

Inspired by my experience as a young mom teaching my little one to swim, I'm passionate about swimming and its benefits for early childhood development.

Join us at watermellow to help your baby grow an amazing relationship with the water in a safe and supportive environment, creating lasting memories together.

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