Navigating Tears in the Pool
A Guide to Understanding and Responding to Baby's Cries During Swim Lessons
Babies are known for their unpredictability and crying is a natural part of their communication.
Tears are a normal part of the experience when teaching your baby to swim. This being said, when tears arise, it's crucial to decode the reasons behind these tears. Understanding your baby will help ensure a positive and enriching experience for both you and your little one.
In this blog post, we'll dive into the common causes of a baby crying in swim lessons and explore effective ways to address them, ensuring a positive and enriching journey for both you and your little one!
“If you’re relaxed, smiling, and making eye contact, your baby will learn that the water is a safe, fun place to be.”
Coughing: A Learning Experience
If your little one is shedding tears due to coughing, fear not. Instead, we recommend helping your child sit up and executing a recovery routine. Afterward, gently return to the skill you were practicing, offering the chance for a positive experience.
Coughing can act as a valuable learning experience for your child. While distressing at first, as your baby discovers what not to do, they develop resilience and gradually become more adept in the water.
Discomfort: Slowly Easing into New Positions
Discomfort can also trigger tears, especially if your baby is still getting used to a particular position.
Our solution involves starting with short durations of the skill in question to help your little one become more comfortable. By gradually acclimating them, we aim to turn discomfort into familiarity, fostering a positive association with swim lessons.
Water as a Safe Space: Building Resilience
Unless there is a clear indication that your child is crying for an unrelated reason, we do not recommend taking your child out of the water while they are crying.
Maintaining their presence in the water during baby swimming lessons teaches them that the water is a safe and positive space. By doing so, children slowly build resilience and a positive association with swimming. This approach helps in fostering a sense of security and confidence in the water.
Embracing Tears as Opportunities for Growth
While it may be disheartening to witness your child's tears during swim lessons, it's essential to recognize that each tear is an opportunity for growth and learning.
By understanding the reasons behind the tears and responding with positive reinforcement, you can play a pivotal role in helping your little one develop a genuine love for swimming.
“As parents and caregivers, learning to interpret these cries can be challenging but is essential for providing the right kind of support.”
DeVoe, B. J. (2023, December 10). Unraveling the tears: Understanding and embracing crying in child development. Medium.
Robinson, K. M. (2022, June 30). Baby Swimming Basics: Safety Tips and fun tricks for parents. Parents.
Meet Kaylee Kennedy
I'm Kaylee Kennedy, the founder of watermellow.
Our renowned swimming program nurtures and develops each baby's unique abilities.
Inspired by my experience as a young mom teaching my little one to swim, I'm passionate about swimming and its benefits for early childhood development.
Join us at watermellow to help your baby grow an amazing relationship with the water in a safe and supportive environment, creating lasting memories together.